Admissions Open for Grade-PRE-KG to Grade-XII Academic Year 2023-2024 NEET / JEE ACHIEVERS R.Mohanraj 613/720, K.R.Deepak 607/720

Communication with Parents


The relationship between home and the BIS plays a very important parts in a child’s education. We cannot overestimate the critical role that parents play in successful learning; they contribute much to their child’s development and are among the most important influences on the way in which the child approaches learning.

Teachers are responsible for the more formal aspects of children’s learning, and successful teaching builds on the home experiences of the child. This is most effective where there is an active partnership with parents.

Two-way communication is critical factor in the partnership between parents and the School. Where a partnership exists, it is easier for parents to solve problems and to feel confident about the teaching and learning taking place in the classroom.

Management policies and staff in the implementation of these policies, and ensuring consistency of expectations between school and home.

In order to maintain a professional relationship between staff and parents at all times ,we would ask all parents be aware of and to follow the protocols below in communicating with BIS

Parents are encouraged to address all questions, comments, complaints or concerns regarding any aspect of their child’s education or experience at school directly to the child’s teacher in the first instance. This can be done either in person, by telephone or in writing (either handwriting or via email). Parents are also requested to choose an appropriate time and please to discuss the concern. if an extended discussion is needed, parents are asked to make an appointment with the teacher at a time that is mutually convenient

Parents are requested not to make an appointment with a Principal prior to discussing the problem directly with the class teacher and to follow the accepted protocols in the appropriate order should further clarification or resolution be considered necessary


Travel from School

The School supervises a bus service, run which transports students door to door, to and from school each day. In addition to the driver, a teacher travels on the bus with the students.

BIS staff meet morning buses and school children are taken to a gathering area and then to their classroom. In the afternoons, children are gathered in groups and the attendance roll is marked. All School bus children are taken directly to their buses, by BIS staff and seated in the front seats where seat belts are placed upon each child


Fee Payment

Tuition Fees include all Books, stationery, and Transport. Payment of fees is organized through the Accounts Department within the School Reception area in the main building. Accounts are billed on a Term basis and payment of fees is expected by the due date. Tuition Fees are payable on receipt ofthe first bill and then prior to the start of each Terms as per the BIS Tuition Fee Schedule.


Food and Nutrition

Food should be sent in your child’s bag and should be in separate named containers, and in a study lunch cold bag that will protect the food until it is eaten. We actively encourage the children to develop healthy eating habits. Parents are encouraged to discuss ideas about food with their children so that food for school can be both healthy and fun.


Medical Information

All families new to the school are issued with a Medical Examination form. These should be completed and returned to the admissions Department as soon as possible (and certainly prior to the student’s commencement at the School).This information is recorded and used as a reference when your child attends the nurse. Teaching staff will be informed of special health needs. lf there are any changes in a child’s health status, it is the responsibility of parents to inform the School.


Meditation at School

No child is to self-medicate at school. Exceptions are older children with allergies, asthma or diabetes that are known to the School Parents whose children require occasional or regular medication at school need to deliver the medication and the Request to Administer Medication form to the nurse. This form is available from the Health Centre, the Nurses Room or from Connect BIS. If a child presents to the nurse and has been assessed to need pain relief, with your consent, nurses can administer Paracetamol, Consent is given on Medical Information and Consent forms; however, a nurse will always try to contact parents prior to administering Paracetamol.


Every new day dawns with different challenges